Saturday, January 15, 2011


Thanks to a scholarship, I JUST GOT $350 RICHER! wonder what i'll use this for. Any ideas? ( no i don't want to save it)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

New Blog!

I know i haven't been posting for a long time, probably cause this blog is almost dead. But i'll still continue posting :). By the way, i have just created a new blog for school.

Check it out:

Yeah... i also have another blog on wordpress but i don't use it anymore....

Saturday, October 31, 2009

long time no post

well lately i haven't been updating my blog thanks to the SA2 exams...lolz. i don't really think i did well for it. the results are not out yet, that's why i'm waiting for it. anyways i have been on facebook for quite a while. since the exams are over, i have been having quite alot of fun in school, you know, like doing random stuff...

as you all know, halo odst is out a month ago. im planing to go to my friend's house to play during the holidays to play. fire fight and split screen, and most of all, the halo odst campaign.

tomorrow's my swimming competition, but its not an important one so i've been slacking the past few days during training. nothing much has happened so i dont really have much to post.

thats about it. bye

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

halo3 ODST is out!!!!!!!

you guessed it. its out, halo3 ODST is out! P-A-R-T-Y!!!! woohoo! well, if you want to see some combat in halo3 ODST, go to youtube. you should know the link. type in halo ODST in the box and choose 1 out of hundreds of videos and trailers of halo ODST. here are some pictures of the game. i found them on google.

cool huh? wait till u play the game!

i don't have much time so i'm going to tell you that i've heard that halo lego is comming out. i'm not sure if this is true, as i went to a lego store this afternoon, and the shop keeper said that halo lego might not be true, but at the same time, he said that it might be true, but he doesn't sell it at his store. i heard all of this from Bo Yang. well, i've searched google for some images and here's what i've got:

that's about it so... bye!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

celebrating the launch of Halo3 ODST

what's up people. i have edited the picture of my blog. not bad huh?

i bet your wondering why i'm posting again so soon. that's because i'm celebrating the launch of Halo3 ODST which is coming out on 22 sep, as you know from the title... man i wish i had an X Box 360 but i use my friend, Justin's one instead. well, i have watch the demo of Halo3 ODST on YouTube and it's actually quite cool,but the only problem is that the pistol is way too powerful. it's like the Halo1 pistol and the Halo1 pistol is as powerful as a sniper. no, i'm not kidding.

if you're wondering what ODST stands for, this is what is stands for:

i bet you are wondering: why bother making such a long post just because of the release of a new video game. well, it's not just any video game, but another game part of the Halo series, and i'm a big fan of Halo(well, duh!).

for those of you wanna be pro Halo gamers, you've gotta learn the basics. well, i'm not even a pro myself! ( i suck at using long range weapons) and if your just someone who wants to act cool, and know more about Halo, you're welcomed to read on. oh yes, and for those who already are good at Halo and know the basics, pleases don't read on( but there's some cool information you might want to know about).

This is an unggoy, a small species of servant warriors in the unified race of the Covenant.

They are commonly known as grunts by humans as they are weaker than their Covenant comrades.

they are a few rankings of grunts in the Covenant.
-special operations
-suicide(i know, it's weird!)


The elite you see on the left is a Field Master.

The sangheili are a reptilian species of fierce, proud, strong, intelligent warriors and skilled combat tacticians. they are commonly known as elites by humans.

like the grunts, covenant elites also have rankings:
-supreme commander
-zealot (field master, ship master, fleet master)
-honor guard ultra
-honor guardsman
-special operations
-stealth elite
-elite ranger
there are too many ranks of elites to be listed here.( sorry!)to see the rest of the elites' ranks, please visit halopedia.i'll give you the link in a short while


the jitalhanae, aka the brutes, are an aped-like species and a member of the covenant.

the brutes have a profound hatred of the elites,unmatched by any other feud within the

the brute you see on the left is a Halo3 brute.

Also, brutes have rankings:
-honor guard
-captain ultra
-captain major
-jump pack

well, that's about it. what you need to know. if you want to know more, visit:
trust me. there are lots and lots and lots of stuff about halo there.

i seriously can't wait until the release of halo3 ODST!

oh ya, and by the way, i'm setting my blog name, you know, the name when you post a comment and everyone will see it at the bottom of your post. yup, that. i'm changing it to spartan 117. just wanted to let you guys know.
i'm out!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

the official Garfield website

is it blogger's birthday or something? cause i saw a birthday cake on the blogger homepage.oh ya! tomorrow is my mum's birthday, just wanted to say happy birthday to her...i haven't made a birthday card for her yet...

wait a minute, has someone been spamming the counter? or has that many people visited my blog?i really doubt it, or maybe there's something wrong with the counter.

the main thing i'm posting this is for the link to the official Garfield website. as you all know, i'm a Garfield fan. ok... maybe you don't know that i'm a Garfield fan... but now you know.
here's the link to the website:
you know i wish i could scanthe pictures i drew of garfield but, oh wait, i can! but i don't how to opperate the scanning machine. what a pity:(

well, there's a whole lot of stuff that i want to say. i've been on facebook for quite a long time as the games there are quite fun... but i also need to do a ton of homework from school and my mum. actually i'm multitasking now. i'm watching tv, doing my homework and typing this post.

you know, about the recent PE lessons, the PE teacher replacing mr Numa sucks like hell. and i rarely say like hell on my blog. so i mean she's that bad, as you know, people from my class.

for your infomation, i'm using this blog like a weekly journal, incase you didn't notice. i've been writing the stuff that has been happening to me , but not in detailed for safety resons.

i'm out:)

Saturday, September 5, 2009

ramdom stuff

well not much has been happening lately. and with my exams, i didnt really get much chance to post. aside from my tennis competition, and exams, nothing much has happened.

well, for exams i didnt get that good results.maths i could have gotten like, 96 but thanks to careless mistakes, i got 92:(chinese was pretty good, i got 79/90. on the other hand my higher chinese was horrible. i got 45/60 all due to the stupid question that cost me 6 marks. it was just a stupid careless mistake ...

the tennis competition was just for fun but i lost quite badly. and because of the tennis competition that i didnt really want to join(my dad forced me), i had to miss the ICS swimming competition. i could have got gold for the swimming competition, *sigh*.

well, i've been on facebook for quite a while. i have been hooked on this game called mouse hunt and another game called restaurant gay as it might seem, restaurant city is quite fun. pet society is gay.

well its getting late and i dont want to get scolded so im out.